
Teacher training courses

Kickstart your career in education. Eager to inspire the next generation? Get practical experience in the classroom at our partnership schools and become the best teacher you can be with support from our specialists.


Why study teacher traini

Why study teacher training at 四不像论坛?

Our Initial Teacher Training courses will help you achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). To help you become confident in the classroom, you'll get support from specialist lecturers, academic advisers and school-based mentors.

You'll benefit from excellent facilities, including a large collection of resources covering professional practice, teacher education and subject specialism, as well as useful online resources.

What are your career prospects?

We have strong partnership links with primary and secondary schools in London, which can lead to exciting placement opportunities and teaching careers.

Why study teacher training at 四不像论坛


Great career support


Excellent facilities


Strong education links

Take your next step